Halifax International French School

Kindergarten class


Grade primary (Grande section)

5 years


Pre-school aims to guarantee a successful first educational experience, with an adapted pedagogy that encourages autonomy, discovery and spontaneous experimentation. It prepares children for future learning in elementary school, with an emphasis on play and independent research for fundamental acquisitions.

Main axes

  • Stimulating and structuring oral language
  • Develop comprehension of texts read by adults
  • Awareness of the sound and visual components of language

Physical and artistic activities contribute to motor, sensory, emotional, intellectual and relational development. These activities stimulate and enrich the imagination. They enable students to explore their physical possibilities, develop motor skills and balance, better situate themselves in space and time, and apprehend their own body image. They also develop cooperative spirit and contribute to socialization. The approaches implemented contribute to building equality between girls and boys.

Discovering numbers and how to use them

Kindergarten helps students understand that numbers can be used to express both quantities and rank or position in a list. This learning process requires time and exposure to numerous situations involving pre-digital and then digital activities.

Exploring shapes, sizes and organized sequences

The approach to flat shapes, objects in space and magnitudes is based on the manipulation and coordination of actions on objects. This approach is supported by
through language and helps identify initial descriptive features. This knowledge provides an introduction to geometry and measurement.

Find your bearings in time and space

One of the objectives is to gradually lead students to consider time and space as relatively independent dimensions. Students are encouraged to go beyond their own point of view and adopt that of others.

Exploring the world of life, objects and matter

Pupils begin to understand what distinguishes living from non-living things; they manipulate and manufacture to become familiar with objects and matter.


7h30-8h00Accueil, jeux libres (plan de travail, puzzles, constructions, dessins, mandalas)
8h00-8h30Langage : rituels avec calendrier, météo, absents et présents
8h30-9h15Ateliers tournants : travail sur la compréhension, vocabulaire, phonologie / graphisme / travail en autonomie (langage, écriture… maths en lien avec l’album étudié)Ecole du dehors
9h15-9h45Motricité : parcours, athlétisme, expression corporelle, cirque
9h45-10h00Récréation : habillage, lavage des mains
10h00-10h45Activités : ateliers mathématiques, jeux de société, remédiation, écriture, travail sur les phonèmesActivités : ateliers mathématiques, jeux de société, remédiation, Activités : écriture, travail sur les phonèmes
10h45-11h30Ateliers autonomes, travail en autonomie
12h30-13h00Méditation, sophrologie
13h00-13h453e langue vivante : Libanais, Espagnol ou Allemand…culture religieuse, Catéchèse ou le mot du jour3e langue vivante : Libanais, Espagnol ou Allemand…culture religieuse, Catéchèse ou le mot du jour
13h45-14h00Fin de la journée : rangement, cartable

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